After trying so hard to rid myself of Matt's old shirts by making bunting, bibs and quilts, now that they are gone I actually miss having them there to grab for their lovely worn feel.
I couldn't help but pull into a St Vinnies store on my way home the other day, and walked out with a shopping bag full of more men's shirts:
(obviously I still don't have a new camera - I'm thinking I'll hit the post-Christmas sales and hopefully get something half decent).
Yet another New Zealand artist that has passed me by - Miles McDougall aka Pikachunes. He was interviewed on the radio sometime over the weekend and they played a few tracks and I was kind of blown away.
It is difficult to post when I have no photos, I have resorted to the iPhone to capture these little lovelies from our 'garden'. We haven't quite been here a whole year, and despite our neglect and the unsavoury weather conditions this year, not to mention a fair amount of excavation, occasionally little flower are popping up here and there.
These seemed to come up overnight. I'm not sure what they are, but they look a little like sweet peas..
I am going to be cruel and pick them and see how they fare indoors.
*Thanks Hopflower for pointing out that these are perennial sweet learn something every day!
Okay, I haven't felt this old and out of touch in a while. I came across this free download of a Christmas Album through a blog on my reader (I can't remember which one....eek!)...I've never really gotten into the whole Christmas Album thing, although I do like the idea of one. Anyways I downloaded this and have been listening to it all morning.
It is very nicely produced, with a great indie kind of sound (or maybe we have moved on from 'indie' and it is referred to as something else now, I wouldn't know as I am stuck back in 2006 which is when I last felt I had my finger on some sort of music pulse), although I hadn't heard of even one of the artists involved. So I went and checked out the site where it came from, then it dawned on me...they are all young, hip New Zealand bands or artists...
(nb: it has been drawn to my attention that the following video doesn't really make any sense, and just looks like a group of random musicians making a lot of random noise - to clarify, it is a series of short clips taken during the making of the above doesn't represent the music very fact, it makes it look like it might be a bit of a shit album. Sorry for the confusion)
Where have I been? How come I don't know any of these guys - presumably too much time listening to Radio National....and not enough listening to RDU or KiwiFm.
Then I delved further and found this great cover by band Artisan Guns:
If you watch this you will not only be impressed with New Zealand music right now, but you will also realise that these kids Seriously, I think there may be some pubertal acne there. And they don't look like even need to shave yet.
Don't get me wrong, I think this is awesome. It is just a little depressing for me. I used to feel so young, and cool, and .....sigh.
That's right - broke, kaput, no more. So suddenly. So sad. Anyway, so I took some snaps with my iPhone this morning - a poor substitute I know. And when I uploaded them I realised that they are printing the date on the corner, which wasn't intended, but hey. I'll sort that out.
So, this morning we took Boo and Digby to the beach for a glorious run:
And on the way home I picked up the first fresh apricots of the season, and stewed them for The Kid to try..