Saturday, 3 October 2009

New Zealand's favourite recipe?

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, there is this competition on right now to find New Zealand's favourite recipe. The current number one recipe has been sitting in the prime position since shortly after the competition started (winners are based on votes, so the biggest deciding factor is not really how good your recipe is, but how many friends you can get to vote for you).

Anyway, I digress. The current winning recipe is for "Kristie's Ultimate White Choc Passionfruit Mudcake". Wowsers. Since it seems to be getting more and more votes, I decided to give it a crack.

Our oven is not the easiest to control, and I think I over cooked the cake slightly. It had a ganache type icing, which I tried to make before we drove into work yesterday, but for some reason it didn't set and so I had to take it in the car and ice the cake whilst moving.

It still never really set, so the cake looked all gooey and a bit sickly (the cake itself was pretty unhealthy, but the icing was pure evil - just cream and white chocolate with a touch of passionfruit).

The taste test results? Well, it was a bit dry which was totally my fault. I couldn't hack the topping, and after once piece of cake, couldn't bring myself to go back for more. Anyone who knows me well will know that this is a very bad sign, as I have been known to devour whole cakes which are only mediocre in quality just because I am so much of a cake monster. Everybody at Matt's work was polite, but nobody loved it.

I think Kristies sure has a lot of friends. I hope this isn't New Zealand's favourite recipe.

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