Tuesday, 1 March 2011

A little bit of good news:

Pot came back last night - we had been visiting the house daily, shaking her food and calling her name and yesterday while I was retrieving a few things from the study, she walked up behind me and said "wassup?". She was all cool and like, "that earthquake was so totally no big deal, I just wanted a bit of time to myself, y'know?".

Anyway, very glad to have her with us. I couldn't get a photo of her without her head stuck in the food bowl.

On Sunday we had a few people over, for company. I managed to do some cathartic and distracting baking, but it definitely wasn't as enjoyable as normal.

...and every time we visit the house, we look out to the CBD and marvel at how the Hotel Grand Chancellor is still standing:

It is so weird seeing it leaning like that. About fifteen minutes ago we had a 4.3 aftershock - each time we get a big one I think of that building falling down in a cloud of dust.

In other post-earthquake news, last night I got called in to the after hours clinic - they were a bit overwhelmed. As well as the usual sick cats and dogs, there were exhausted dogs from the USAR teams. Some had cut feet. They are such brave dogs, I hope they know how special they are.

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